
Hillary's C-Section Birth Story

An emergency c-section is never fun and a lot of us have very similar c-section stories.

As a nurse and former-doula, I feel like I prepped myself for years for a vaginal birth. After being in labor for almost 24 hours with my first baby and attempting all of the interventions, I ended up with a non-rebreather oxygen mask on my face and my feet dangling above my head to reduce the pressure from my baby's umbilical cord. This is when they wheeled me back to the OR.

I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt like a failure, I mean my mom gave birth to 6 kids at home, but we are NOT failures! We just have a different birth story from the traditional and that is 100% ok! I also attempted a VBAC at 42 weeks (NOT recommended), but I am SO thankful for my 3 c-section babies who, let's be honest, were saved by a c-section.

So cheers to Cesarean Awareness Month and our beautiful babies!